Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! We look forward to a safe and successful start.
Bus stop information is available by clicking the "Bus Routes" link here.
Bus stop information is subject to change; we recommend checking bus stop information frequently before the first day of school.
Students are reminded to be at their assigned bus stop five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled stop time.
If you need
further information or assistance using the School Search app, please contact your school or the
Transportation Department @ 251 221-5260 Note: Routes are subject to
change during the school year.
School Assignments by Supervisor/ Zone
Request a NEW Stop!
Click HERE to submit the Regular Route School Bus stop request.
You can share this QR code with parents using a mobile device to quickly open and fill out the stop request form.
Regular Route School Bus Stop Request for 2024-2025— This form should ONLY be utilized to request a bus stop on a regular school bus for Mobile County Schools for the CURRENT SCHOOL YEAR.
This form should NOT be used for any requests regarding Special Needs Bus Requests.
Please submit a separate request for EACH student needing transportation. Stop request should NOT BE COMPLETED until the student is fully enrolled in a Mobile County School.
To expedite your request, please do NOT type the stop request in ALL CAPS. Allow seven days to review.
* Request must be two tenths (.2) of a mile from the nearest stop and outside the two (2)mile radius of the school or be safety related, as determined by our office.