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Academic Affairs
Board Of Education
Human Resources
Information Technology
Student Support Services
Students and Families
Frequently Asked Questions
Student Enrollment and Registration
1. How old must a student be to enter school in Alabama?
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2. What school should my child attend?
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3. How do I enroll my student in Pre-K?
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4. What information do I need to provide to register my child?
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5. What shots/vaccinations will my student need to start school or remain in school?
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6. Where can I take my child to be immunized?
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7. When are placement tests administered?
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8. What can be done for my child, who is learning English as a second language?
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9. What help is available for homeless students?
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School Choice
1. What options exist for my child to attend a school other than the zoned school?
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2. What is a Magnet School?
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3. What is a Signature Academy?
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School Information
1. When does my school start/the bell ring? When does the school day end?
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2. What is my child’s school dress code?
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3. Does the district provide child care?
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4. What is the cost for school meals?
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5. How do I find out if my student is eligible to participate in sports?
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6. How do I find out about field trips?
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Academic Progress
1. How do I view my child’s grades and attendance for this school year?
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2. When will my student’s progress reports and report cards be distributed?
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3. How can my student stay on track to graduate, make up credit deficiencies, etc.?
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4. How do I get information about summer school?
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5. What are some resources I can use to monitor my child’s academic progress, and get help if needed?
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Parent/Guardian Concerns
1. How do I address concerns I have with my child's school?
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2. What resources exist to counter bullying?
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3. My child received a long-term suspension or expulsion. What are the options for schooling?
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4. What are some resources I can turn to if my child is struggling socially or emotionally?
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1. How can I find the bus stop closest to my home?
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2. How do I report a bus driver for a traffic violation?
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1 When is a student considered truant?
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2. How do I report a child who is not attending school?
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Student Records
1. How do I get a copy of my transcript, diploma or student records?
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Meetings of the Board of School Commissioners
1. How do I contact my school board commissioner?
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2. When and where are board meetings held?
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3. How do I speak at a meeting?
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Business and Financial
1. How can I find information on bids and contracts?
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2. Where can I see a copy of the MCPSS annual budget and other financial reports?
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Adult Education
1. What options are available for adults who never earned a high school diploma?
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Human Resources
1. Is the district hiring now?
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Use of Facilities
1. How can outside groups use MCPSS buildings or facilities?
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