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Special Education Services

The Special Education Department of the Mobile County Public School System provides educational opportunities designed to help each disabled student in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 to achieve his or her maximum potential. The Special Education Department, dedicated to providing services to disabled students in the least restrictive environment to the maximum extent appropriate, offers a complete range of services in all schools throughout the system. Additionally, four specialized schools and three alternative schools provide educational opportunities in alternative settings.
The Special Services Division of the Mobile County Public School System encompasses several programs, Special Education, Special Education Preschool, Psychological Services, 504/Homebound/Hospital, Gifted and Talented Program, and three special schools, Continuous Learning Center (CLC), Evans, and H.L. Sonny Callahan School for Deaf and Blind.
The Executive Director supervises the Coordinator of Psychological Services, Psychometrists, Central Office based Resource Teachers, three Board Certified Behavior Analysts, Behavioral Trainers, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, as well as itinerant Speech/Language teachers.
and special education students are educated in settings designed to
accommodate educational and behavioral needs of children and adolescents
that cannot be adequately addressed in a traditional school
environment. The students may be placed at the alternative school when
behavior has significantly interferes with the safety, well-being,
and/or learning of others.
Pathway Elementary services students
in kindergarten through fifth grade. Pathway Middle services students in
grades sixth through eighth grade, and Continuous Learning Center (CLC)
services students in grades ninth through twelfth grade.
and Alternative Schools are assigned a Central Office Special Education
Resource Teacher who is responsible for supporting students, parents,
teachers, and administrators with all issues related to the needs of
special education students.
Continuous Learning Center (CLC)
Pathway Elementary
Pathway Middle
Project SEARCH is an internship program within Special Education for students after high school. It is designed to transition young adults into competitive employment through a partnership with local businesses and organizations.
Special Education Preschool
Special education services for children ages 3-5 years are a part of the total special education program offered through the Mobile County Public School System. The laws—the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) amendments of 2004 and the Alabama Exceptional Child Act—require special education and related services for children with disabilities, ages 3 to 21, who have special needs.
For information about the Preschool First Program, please contact Ashley Barnette at 221-1455.
Psychological Services
The School Psychologists/Psychometrists serve in all of the schools in the Mobile County Public School System as well as private and parochial schools. They are engaged in a wide-variety of job functions that positively impact the academic progress and social development of all students in the Mobile County Public School System. The School Psychologist/Psychometrist assist schools in identifying educational disabilities as mandated by state and federal law. In addition, assist school personnel in developing effective academic interventions and behavioral strategies for students, and administer specific assessments required for special education eligibility.
504/Homebound/Hospital Services
The Mobile County Public School System provides a program of instruction for school-age students who are unable to attend school due to an illness or injury.
Gifted and Talented Program
Alabama State Act 106 mandates that school systems identify and serve gifted students. Guidelines are set forth in the "gifted" section of the Alabama Department of Education Administrative Code for referral, consent, evaluation, eligibility determination, placement and service delivery options, gifted education plan, administration, caseload, and procedural safeguards for gifted students.
The Mobile County Public School System's program that provides services for gifted students is called the PACE Program. PACE stands for Pursuing Academics, Creativity and Excellence. The PACE Program was authorized in 1982, however gifted classes have been available since 1970. The PACE curriculum is based on a framework of the processes needed by gifted students, which include creative thinking, critical thinking, discipline methodologies, and research skills.