Early Truancy Program
Parents and students will be referred to the Early Warning Truancy Program on the fifth (5th) unexcused absence and on the fifteenth (15th) tardy to school. Referral to the program includes the following steps:
1. The parent will receive official notification by Email or U.S. Mail. The notice will require the parent and student to report to the Municipal Court located at the City/County Government Plaza.
2. The parent and student will meet with the Attendance Officer and the District Attorney. The Attendance Officer will review the system’s Attendance Policy; the District Attorney will review the State of Alabama’s Attendance Laws and consequences of breaking the laws.
3. If the parent and student fail to appear at the scheduled Early Warning Truancy Program, the parent may receive legal notice and a court referral.
Starting as early as preschool and kindergarten, regular attendance is essential for students gaining the academic and social skills they need to thrive. Research shows that when students are chronically absent (missing 10% or more of the school year or 18 days over an entire school year), they are less likely to read proficiently by third grade, achieve in middle school and graduate from high school.
In addition to the well-publicized learning losses, students also lost opportunities to develop socially and gain skills in problem-solving and self-regulation, all which are needed to grow and learn.
Attendance matters. Missing just 2 days a month means a child misses 10% of the school year. We want to ensure the success of students by reminding families please stay informed with your school’s checkout and excuse policy.